After the priest kicked us out of the church- that's right- kicked us out, we made a dash for the trolley. Folks were arriving at 5:30 for a 6 o'clock mass, and we weren't allowed to stay a minute longer to get pictures at the altar. So my groom and I got one post-ceremony shot at church and there are ZERO pictures of me by myself. But I'm not bitter with the priest or anything... Anyway, here we are running to the trolley. My bridesmaids were so cute in their Nimli wraps* helping me run in the rain.
* Some advice if you plan on ordering these. I had a really hard time getting the right color and had to exchange three times. Their color samples online are pretty off, but they will help you select the right shade if you mail in a swatch.

We made it to the reception and made another quick dash into Twelve Oaks. My wedding coordinator got me an umbrella as a gift and it definitely came in handy. Oh, if only I'd dyed my crinoline for this photo opp.

We spent a few minutes in a private room while I got fussed over as every bride should on their wedding day, right?! MOH touched up my makeup, and all the BMs helped look for those tiny little bustle loops. My gown had two layers that had to be bustled individually so all hands were on deck for that task.

In the meantime, the men relaxed with some Miller Lites in the other corner. Don't they have it easy?!

It was finally time to line up for our grand entrance. "Two Step" by Dave Matthew Band cued up and we made our way through the crowd to our head table.

After a few photos, we started off the toasts. Our best man, Tony, gave a great toast about his friendship w/ J and made us all laugh.

Then my sister gave a very memorable and touching toast that got the tears flowing. I, being the big sister that I am, was more worried about her nerves than crying so I made it through without having to touch up the eye makeup- narrow escape. haha.

My dad was up next. I am glad that we had a videographer there that day to record these toasts. Everything goes by so quickly, and I want to remember my dad's words for a long time to come...

Some final laughs...
and cheers to us!
Next up: Cutting the cake and our first dance.
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