I announced to my bridesmaids that it was time to get dressed. My high school buddy and mom came into my room, and we carefully took my gown off of the photo-worthy-oh-so-cute toile print hanger that I am so glad I remembered. I shimmied into my mermaid slip, put on that pesky longline bustier and was ready for my big moment. "Oh no!" I thought. I forgot to ask the makeup artist to hold off on putting on the lipgloss until after I put my gown on. I zipped my lips on tight and mom and BM helped put the dress on over my head as I literally dove in.

Photo taken by one of my bridesmaids

With a zip, hook and eye, I completed my transformation. "Wow. I am really a bride now. I just put my wedding gown on for real" I was thinking to myself. It was momentous. I tried to act naturaly but remember just feeling giddy. It is sort of an out-of-body moment putting on your wedding gown- I'll cherish it forever. To avoid making it sound like this moment was totally sappy, I'll let you know that I did manage to make some sassy comment to my BM as she fondled me and tucked the little stays on my gown into my bustier- because that's just how we roll.

The mermaid slip that my seamstress recommended had oodles of layers. I am very happy that I decided to purchase it, because I was going for a more fit-and-flare-mermaidy-yet-still-timeless look and I think it really made a nice silhouette. I stood there, very serenely breathing in and out in all of my bridal glory, while BM and mom pulled and fluffed each little layer.

Bryan used the opportunity to get a money shot of my gorgeous (and totally comfy BTW) ivory satin "Karolina" Kate Spade pumps with a side of bling. I had searched high and low for a pair that I could wear all day, and am so happy to choose these in the end.

We hung out upstairs for a few minutes and let it all soak in, until I dashed down the steps to get ready for some pre-ceremony photos with my family and bridesmaids.

Little sis' and Maid of Honor played Cinderella with me, and helped me into my shoes to complete the full bridal ensemble.

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