I've been bitten.

Image link here.

It's rather serious, I'm afraid. You see, I started reading this book last weekend and it's official. I've been bitten by the Twilight bug. I'm obsessed. My sister lent me "Twilight" and "New Moon" over Thanksgiving weekend, and once I picked up the first book this past Friday in the waiting room at a doctor's office it was all over. Ironic that I should start reading a vampire book while getting my bloodwork done. Ha! I am already counting down the hours until I can go home to read more. Don't you love when a good book grabs you like that?

Anyway, my sister will now take full credit for my crush on Edward Cullen. She was the one that got me to read the Harry Potter series back in the day, so she knows my taste in wizards and vampires I guess.

I plan on buying the DVD because I know I'll love it and will want to watch it again. I haven't yet seen the movies, but am already picturing Edward as Robert Pattinson (who I thought would always be Cedric Diggory to me). Hopefully I can catch up in time to see New Moon while it's still in theaters.

Anyone else a fan of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series?


  1. I haven't been sucked into Twilight YET. We'll see though--maternity leave might leave me with some extra reading hours! Love the new picture.

  2. Ha! Watch out, my sister started them and read through the books all day for a week.
