For just one week

Found on Flickr here 

Because I am just one of many affected by our glorious economy, I am home this week from work on an unpaid vacation. Take a week off without pay they told us all - so here I am. Hubby is busy with work and couldn't get time off to vacation, and there is that one minor problem of not receiving pay for the week. So- "staycation" it is. I picked a week in June when I thought the weather in Cleveland would allow for some outside away-from-desk-enjoying-the-great-outdoors sort of activities. Mother Nature disagreed with me, and I am sitting here couch-bound watching the rain fall, drinking hot cocoa. Indoors. In June. Wishing I were outside. But never fear, I have big plans to be a tourist in my own town this week despite the crummy clouds. On my list for the week:

- visit the West Side Market for the first time
- see "Up" - maybe at a drive-in to cross off #10
- get J to take me out for some king crab legs - I can at least act like I'm at the beach
- watch at least three seasons of Sex and the City on DVD and catch up on my DVR
- work on my wedding scrapbook
- try a yummy recipe that I found here
- exercise a LOT

and the rest is yet to be determined. 

If you had one week off with no pay, what would you do with your time? 

1 comment:

  1. so what did you end up doing? =) Want to plan a date soon?
