The year was 1983, and I was five years old. I recall sitting in the bedroom that I shared with one of my siblings on my bed which was dressed with Strawberry Shortcake sheets. I was learning to read, and had taken Michael Jackson's Thriller album up to my room so I could study the lyrics and sing along to my favorite record. We didn't have much when we were kids, and this record was one of my favorite things. I would listen to "Beat It," "Billie Jean," "P.Y.T.," "Human Nature"... all of it. Thriller would send chills down my spine- it scaring me a little, but fascinating me at the same time. Still to this day, I search the channel guide around Halloween hoping to catch the making of Thriller special on tv. The image of the inner album sleeve is still burned in my brain- I stared at M.J. and that little tiger so many times and genuinely loved that record. My mom brought us up on a lot of 60s and 70s music, and this was really one of the few performers that I got to know and like on my own (alongside Olivia Newton John for "Physical" which I also loved). Even in later years, I recall going on ski trips with my middle school and listening to the "Dangerous" album. I loved "Black or White," "Will You Be There" (even sang that one in a choral concert! Free Willy anyone?) and the lesser known "Gone Too Soon" which I really loved.
Then the day came. June 25, 2009. I could not believe the news, and still feel a little shock that Michael Jackson is gone forever. I am genuinely sad that he is gone, as part of my childhood is gone with him. I know we all have to go at some time, and truthfully I could never picture him as an old man, but to die at 50... It such a tragedy that a man that seemed to have everything on the outside, probably had very little on the inside and was rather lonely towards the end. The last decade of his life was definitely not a great one for him, yet he'll be remembered as the "King of Pop" and by far one of my favorite musicians of all time. He dedicated his life to his fans, and hopefully lived a full life in the fifty years he was with us. Prayers go out to his family, his children, and the many fans that will remember him for the good things and the joy he brought to many. Thanks, Michael, for the music. I'll remember you always...