My view of a belly at 38 weeks. Almost showtime!

Officially full term and only 2 weeks shy of The Due Date. Trying hard to be patient, and enjoy these last few weeks (days?!) of pregnancy and the anticipation of the adventures of parenthood to come. Yes, It's hot outside. Yes, my belly is big and it bumps into things. Yes, I get cramps in my hips and legs while sleeping and have to constantly rearrange myself and a pile of pillows too many times each night. Despite all of these things, I'm enjoying these moments in between. We cannot wait to meet our little one and while I'm feeling major ants in my pants and have the looming question of "WHEN?!" running through my mind, I'm in a good place. I know that baby will come on the day meant to be his/her Birth Day and that it's all part of a plan bigger than any of us. This post is just to say that I am thankful that I've made it through 38 weeks in good health and only a few issues that I've been able to manage pretty well. (And we could use a few more days to pick out your name, Little One, so no pressure to come out this week.). :)


  1. Looking good! Good luck with the next few weeks. Enjoy each moment and so happy for you two. Can't wait to hear the baby details!

  2. Thanks Jamie! Come and see us after baby arrives!
