After going through security we hopped aboard the Monarch of the Seas where tables and tables of free Bud Light were up for grabs. I knew we were in for a wild weekend. "Take a
picture, trick! I'm on a boat, b!tch!"

We found our stateroom, explored the ship and headed up to the pool. Off the hook, I tell you. Everywhere we went, you'd hear "I'm on a boat!" which quickly became the Port Paradise cruise anthem. The crowd went wild when the DJ played it as we set sail for Nassau. (Click play on the video below to set the mood).

J and I downed some free beer and headed to the casino to wait for the lights to turn on once we were far enough off of the coast. Fast forward about an hour and the most God-awful-Dramamine-wasn't-working-whatsoever seasickness set in. Oh, was it horrid. Thought it was just me but J felt it too. It is not an experience I'd ever like to have again. I said some quick prayers that the sickness wouldn't last for I was on this boat for 4 days like it or not. We thought other people were feeling a little green too but after lots of free beer for all on board who could tell. As one guy (who nearly fell down the steps) put it best "Boat or Bud Light? I don't know?!" Unfortunately, J & I were down for the count, barely touched our dinners and couldn't enjoy the on board Halloween party. Lame, but necessary for as sick as we were. BLAH! The only highlight of the meal was when I discovered our table #. You true DMB fans will know how excited I was about this.
Saturday we watched the ship pull into Nassau and I saw the blue waters and got SO excited! After a pure hour of chaos trying to disembark 2,000 people we finally got off the boat and practically kissed the ground (no more seasickness for the next 7 hours!). We checked out some of the straw markets and went to a Fodor's recommended restaurant, Cafe Matisse. It was off the beaten path a little in Parliament Square. Great meal, gorgeous courtyard and perfect drinks.

After lunch we hopped a ferry to Paradise Island to check out Atlantis and the sprawling grounds. That place is unbelievable and still growing. I'd like to get back there someday when we had more time, but am glad I got to see it once.

Oh. Em. Gee. Dave Matthews is going to be playing on this stage and I am here to see it. And didn't pay anything to be here. Somebody pinch me for I must be dreaming. We enjoyed some time in the sun and the true fans quickly staked out their spots on the beach with the free Bud Light towels we were given.

J went to find me some lunch (a banana!) and just after he came back to our spot a yacht pulls up and DMB walks up the beach to head to the stage area. I freaked out, grabbed the camera and I'm nearly certain that I levitated over to where they were to get some pictures.

At noon all the Bud Light on the island was free. It was 90+ degrees. You can imagine what happened to people in that one hour before the band took the stage. Pandemonium. When DMB came out on stage, the quaint little coconut island quickly turned into the set of Girls Gone Wild and it was pretty much a wild show from that point on.

I will let the next few pics tell you how close we were and how awesome the show was:

Don't Drink the Water
Funny the Way It Is
So Damn LuckyWhy I Am
Shake Me Like A Monkey
Burning Down the House
Tripping Billies
Crash Into Me
Jimi Thing
Grey Street
You and Me
Ants Marching
And there you have it. The last night was great, but all else paled in comparison to the show that day. Still can't believe I was there to see DMB in the Bahamas and that the trip was free. We were able to relax and take a mental break in the Caribbean sun. The trip fell just three weeks before our first wedding anniversary- what timing! It was a quick trip but a lifelong memory for us. We are truly blessed. Hope you enjoyed!

For you DMB fans, the set list included some new, some old and all kinds of awesome:
Don't Drink the Water
Funny the Way It Is
So Damn LuckyWhy I Am
Shake Me Like A Monkey
Burning Down the House
Tripping Billies
Crash Into Me
Jimi Thing
Grey Street
You and Me
Ants Marching

Looks like a fantastic trip Amy - so glad you had a good time!