Sneaks in and pretends it hasn't (again) been weeks since she last posted...
So, back in August my husband and I bought a little piece of land that was once a field full of daisies. The daisies were cut down, and some random bits of building material started to appear in their place.
A day later, most signs of green were gone and the field became a big old pile of dirt and gravel.
A peek inside the big hole where all of that dirt used to be, and you find the area that will soon become our basement.
Footers were all in place and our little front porch staked it's claim in the former daisy field.
Not to be outdone, the garage area also marked it's territory and proudly displayed it's original earth (which was left in tact to better support the two cars that will someday sit upon it.
And that, my friends, is how our lot began it's journey toward becoming a home. With a few set backs due to the cooooold temperatures we've been having here, the drywall took a little longer to set than our builder planned. We will be in the house the first week of March. I am going stir crazy trying not to scratch the itch that is wanting to pack up every last bit NOW. I figured it was a good time to show you some photos on the progress. Promise that the pictures will get more fun as the house takes shape and the decorating begins. Stay tuned!