That is what I'm talkin' about.'s leading story is that of THE upset of the tourney so far. My Bobcats showing the Hoyas what's up. In case you didn't see it, allow me:

Sorry if they screwed up your bracket. Mine is still in tact, and I'm proud to be a Bobcat!

Take me there.

Image from Rob Lee found here

Somewhere on the interwebs, in the midst of cleaning out my Google reader (don't ask how many blogs I follow- I think I'd be ashamed to admit it), I came across this post:

I now have a severe case of Wanderlust, and am feeling lame for living in Ohio. Santorini is calling to me, but I also love the Crystal River Mill in Colorado (above). I like to think that Edward Cullen and I could have a little home there together. ;)

Go check it out. Come back and tell me where you'd most want to visit.

My Shamrock Shake Brings the Boys to the Yard.

Photo from here.

May you always have

Walls for the winds,

A roof for the rain,

Tea beside the fire,

Laughter to cheer you,

Those you love near you,

And all your heart might desire!
Happy St. Patty's Day! Anyone doing anything fun to celebrate (whether or not you're actually Irish)?

Because I need to spend more time online

After seeing many tweets about Formspring, I have decided to set up an account of my own. In case you have no idea what I am talking about (I was clueless up until a week ago and thought Formspring might be a mattress company), I’ll explain. You simply ask me any question that your heart desires, and I will answer. Within reason, of course. Wink, wink. So ask away!

Are you already on Formspring? If so, let me know and I'll follow you!