The rain has come. While I have no shortage of things to do on a rainy day, the post title is actually a reference to one of my favorite episodes of what is quite possibly my all time favorite tv show- Beverly Hills, 90210. You know the one. The Color Me Badd episode. David finds out which hotel the band is staying at and Kelly, Donna and Brenda go with him to watch for them at the hotel. Donna finds her mom cheating, but is cheered up when CMB sings to her at the Peach Pit. Best show ever! Gives me flashbacks to the summer of '91. My sister and I would race home from the neighborhood swimming pool just in time to watch our beloved "9-oh." Years later while in college I would skip class to watch it. I waited for. ev. er. for this show to come out on DVD. It apparently took awhile to release it because of the music rights to the songs that appeared in the show. They ended up releasing the seasons without the original music and put some other 90's-esque music in it's place. (Side note- this is apparently the reason that "The Wonder Years" will never come out on DVD. Half of that show was the music. You just can't go changing it). Anyway, it is still my beloved 9-oh but it just isn't the same. Seriously- would this show be complete without Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game"? Or tell me you can't picture a little "I Love Your Smile" by Shanice as the camera pans in to show the gang at the Beverly Hills Beach Club?! Gotta love it. Reminisce with me.
Any 9-0 fans out there? What was your favorite episode?
What a gorgeous, sunny weekend! Temps were in the upper 80's - rare for Cleveland this time of year. We went to dinner here with some friends on Friday to watch the Cavs take on Pistons. On Saturday, J had a "boys day" and took in some Indians baseball and the NFL draft while I enjoyed the afternoon solo in the great outdoors. I walked down to the park, sprawled out on a blanket, soaked up the sun and read a great book, " Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Now, it is Monday. It is already 77 degrees and beautiful outside. I drove past Edgewater on the way to work and I think the outdoors are calling my name again. Contemplating taking a half day vaca to get outside and spend some time on my 101 list. Itching to get away from my desk top and it is only April. I think it's going to be a long summer...
Now, it is Monday. It is already 77 degrees and beautiful outside. I drove past Edgewater on the way to work and I think the outdoors are calling my name again. Contemplating taking a half day vaca to get outside and spend some time on my 101 list. Itching to get away from my desk top and it is only April. I think it's going to be a long summer...
# 41
#41 is the song title of one of my all time favorite musicians, Dave Matthews Band, but it also happens to refer to my 101 in 1001 list. #41 is just a jump start to get me to achieve #48 on the list, but will not be easy for me. I can be really lazy, you see. Some recent health issues have really caused me to buckle down and really make an attempt at weight loss. This time it is truly about my health and not just because I want to look great in my spring and summer wardrobe. I started a new eating plan last week and am now on day 10. I am down about 3.5 lbs., but have not exercised once in those 10 days. L.A.Z.Y. I am in serious need of some motivation. Lack of exercise is likely part of what caused my health issues in the first place. So, in an attempt to tackle #41, I am going to do two things:
1- Get moving every day. I really have no excuse not to do at least 10 minutes of physical activity each day. I have a full collection of workout DVDs collecting dust - Wii Fit complete with Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum 2009 (which I got for Christmas and is still in the shrink wrap), 30 Day Shred (which is awesome if I could only get with it!), Billy Blank's Tae Bo with amplifier, Power 90, Winsor Pilates, a whole series of Crunch Fitness videos, etc. I get bored very easily and need a variety or I will never stick with the workouts. Time to pop these babies in and press play.
2- Convince my husband that I really need to spend a little cash on this. He bought me this cute little bike (below) for my 30th birthday last August, but I didn't get to use it too much before winter came. Time to dust it off and accessorize it, don't you think?

I am holding myself accountable and putting this goal out here for my readers to see (all four of you). :) Hopefully, I can get movin' and get slim.
What about you? What do you do to get yourself moving? Any tips you can give me to get started on my mission?
101 in 1,001
The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
I learned of this mission from a favorite blogger of mine who recently posted her 101 in 1,001 list. I thought that completing this list and posting it would be a great way to kick off my new blog (and coincidentally allowed my check an item off the list!). Reading a post on this prompted me to make my own, so I can track my goals and hold myself accountable for them. Some of her ideas sounded like so much fun so I decided to add them to my list too- may have even gotten a few from her friends that created lists. So thanks for the inspiration! Here goes...
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Start Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009
End Date: November 3, 2011
Yellow - Completed Item
1. Attend the Christmas Carol at Playhouse Square
2. Go wine tasting at an Ohio Winery
3. Go snowtubing
4. Visit a botanical garden
5. Go on a haunted tour
6. Visit a country that I’ve never been to before- Bahamas!
7. Visit 3 states that I’ve never been to before (0/3)
8. Try 10 new restaurants (10/10) - Henry's at the Barn (5/15), The Greenhouse Tavern (5/28), Fratelli la Bufala (6/5), Moxie (6/8), Mi Pueblo (6/11), Sweet Basil's (6/12), Westside Market Cafe (8/8), Cafe Matisse in Nassau (10/24), Chinato (2/14), Don's Lighthouse (3/28)
9. Take a beach vacation to a beach I've never visited- Bahamas- Cococay Island (Berry Islands)
10. Go to a drive-in movie
11. See a movie at the Cedar- Lee Theater- Catfish
12. Go to three concerts (3/3)- Dave Matthews Band (6/20), Dave Matthews Band at Cococay (10/25), Michael Buble (4/10)
13. Learn how to play poker
14. Get three other people to create goal lists (0/3)
15. Have friends over for dinner 3 times (0/3)
16. Have a girl’s night 4 times (4/4)
17. Make plans with a new friend
18. Sign up for Twitter19. Start a personal blog
20. Sign up for an online money manager (Quickbooks or something similar)
21. Learn how to make minor modifications to blog template
22. Learn how to use the macro setting on my camera
23. Create a backup storage system for media
24. Clean up my flash drives from the wedding
25. Start up and get my own business off the ground
26. Buy a new Mac laptop for my business
27. Start a website and/or blog for my own business
28. Purchase gorgeous letterpress stationery or business cards for my own business
29. Buy a new, higher quality camera
30. Join one networking group
31. Quit my current job
32. Buy new furniture for the family room
33. Save up and buy some gorgeous heels (Louboutins, Manolos, etc.)
34. Buy an awesome pair of jeans (post weight loss)
35. Buy a home
36. Buy an iPhone
37. Buy a car
38. Take the stairs instead of the elevator for one week.
39. Take a walk with my husband
40. Start a running program and stick with it for 4 weeks
41. Work out 3x week for 4 weeks (0/12)
42. Drink 8 glasses or 64 oz. of water every day for a week
43. Go a whole day making an effort to only focus on good things
44. Take my vitamins every day for a month
45. Go one month without drinking a caramel macchiato
46. Incorporate a natural aluminum-free deodorant to use
47. Stop drinking coffee for one week
48. Lose 15 pounds (3/15)
49. Eat something green and leafy every day for a week (0/7)
50. Floss 1x day for a month (0/30)
51. Buy a Clarisonic face brush
52. Attend a yoga class once a week for a month (0/4)
53. Make a scrapbook of home interior ideas
54. Bake a pie from scratch
55. Bake some bread from scratch
56. Bake at least 3 different kinds of cupcakes from scratch (0/3)
57. Make a delicious molten lava chocolate cake
58. Make crepes at home
59. Cook and host a meal at home
60. Make 3 new kinds of muffins (1/3)
61. Try 30 new recipes (3/30)- Pasta with Bolognese and Broccoli Rabe, Butternut Squash Lasagna, High protein butternut squash dip
62. Get new bedding for our master bedroom
63. Take a cake decorating class
64. Have fresh flowers at home for 4 weeks (3/4)
65. Print pictures to display in frames around the house
66. Create wedding album
67. Create parent albums for mom and dad and in-laws
68. Make a cute fabric covered box for my buttons
69. Create wedding and honeymoon scrapbook
70. Play "Brain Age" every day for a month to exercise my brain.
71. Go to a coffee shop and enjoy the afternoon by myself
72. Join a book club
73. Read 25 books including 5 non-fiction and starting with ones I already own but have not yet read. (9/25, 3/5)- Starbucked, Eat Pray Love, The Kite Runner, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Christmas Carol, Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy
74. Watch 5 documentaries on things I don’t know enough about (1/5) - War of the Worlds, 5/25
75. Visit 3 Museums (2/3)- Smithsonian-National Museum of American History, 6/5, Smithsonian National Zoological Park (7/24)
76. Watch all of AFI's top 100 movies (25/100)
77. Find a church that J and I like and join it
78. Use reusable shopping bags when grocery shopping 20 times (17/20)
79. Recycle all of my old magazines (tons from the wedding!)
80. Get rid of old cleansers and replace with safe/natural home products- Basic H and Basic G
81. Clean up/organize makeup and get rid of old stuff
82. Sell unwanted wedding stuff- donated the rest
83. Organize jewelry and get rid of old/broken pieces
84. Clean the kitchen every night for 2 weeks (14/14)
85. Draft a living will
86. Renew my passport w/ my married name
87. Sign up for a book swap and get rid of unwanted books - ended up selling them!
88. Purge and donate old clothes from closets
89. Buy a Christmas gift for a needy child
90. Pay for the person behind me in a drive through- Starbucks on 12/19!
91. Donate household items we no longer need before move
92. Increase my 401(k) contribution
93. Pay off all credit card debt
94. Only buy Starbucks one morning per week for four weeks
95. Put $5 in savings for each completed task and $5 for every uncompleted one (0/101)
96. Create and implement a financial plan with the hubby
97. Put away $50/month into Savings 12 times (12/12)
98. Put away $50/month into an IRA 12 times (0/12)
99. Become a mommy (Baby on the way in August, 2011!)
100. Host a girl’s weekend with my mom and sister
101. Take a family vacation with all of my siblings, parents, niece and nephew
I learned of this mission from a favorite blogger of mine who recently posted her 101 in 1,001 list. I thought that completing this list and posting it would be a great way to kick off my new blog (and coincidentally allowed my check an item off the list!). Reading a post on this prompted me to make my own, so I can track my goals and hold myself accountable for them. Some of her ideas sounded like so much fun so I decided to add them to my list too- may have even gotten a few from her friends that created lists. So thanks for the inspiration! Here goes...
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Start Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009
End Date: November 3, 2011
Yellow - Completed Item
1. Attend the Christmas Carol at Playhouse Square
2. Go wine tasting at an Ohio Winery
3. Go snowtubing
4. Visit a botanical garden
5. Go on a haunted tour
6. Visit a country that I’ve never been to before- Bahamas!
7. Visit 3 states that I’ve never been to before (0/3)
8. Try 10 new restaurants (10/10) - Henry's at the Barn (5/15), The Greenhouse Tavern (5/28), Fratelli la Bufala (6/5), Moxie (6/8), Mi Pueblo (6/11), Sweet Basil's (6/12), Westside Market Cafe (8/8), Cafe Matisse in Nassau (10/24), Chinato (2/14), Don's Lighthouse (3/28)
9. Take a beach vacation to a beach I've never visited- Bahamas- Cococay Island (Berry Islands)
10. Go to a drive-in movie
11. See a movie at the Cedar- Lee Theater- Catfish
12. Go to three concerts (3/3)- Dave Matthews Band (6/20), Dave Matthews Band at Cococay (10/25), Michael Buble (4/10)
13. Learn how to play poker
14. Get three other people to create goal lists (0/3)
15. Have friends over for dinner 3 times (0/3)
16. Have a girl’s night 4 times (4/4)
17. Make plans with a new friend
18. Sign up for Twitter19. Start a personal blog
20. Sign up for an online money manager (Quickbooks or something similar)
21. Learn how to make minor modifications to blog template
22. Learn how to use the macro setting on my camera
23. Create a backup storage system for media
24. Clean up my flash drives from the wedding
25. Start up and get my own business off the ground
26. Buy a new Mac laptop for my business
27. Start a website and/or blog for my own business
28. Purchase gorgeous letterpress stationery or business cards for my own business
29. Buy a new, higher quality camera
30. Join one networking group
31. Quit my current job
32. Buy new furniture for the family room
33. Save up and buy some gorgeous heels (Louboutins, Manolos, etc.)
34. Buy an awesome pair of jeans (post weight loss)
35. Buy a home
36. Buy an iPhone
37. Buy a car
38. Take the stairs instead of the elevator for one week.
39. Take a walk with my husband
40. Start a running program and stick with it for 4 weeks
41. Work out 3x week for 4 weeks (0/12)
42. Drink 8 glasses or 64 oz. of water every day for a week
43. Go a whole day making an effort to only focus on good things
44. Take my vitamins every day for a month
45. Go one month without drinking a caramel macchiato
46. Incorporate a natural aluminum-free deodorant to use
47. Stop drinking coffee for one week
48. Lose 15 pounds (3/15)
49. Eat something green and leafy every day for a week (0/7)
50. Floss 1x day for a month (0/30)
51. Buy a Clarisonic face brush
52. Attend a yoga class once a week for a month (0/4)
53. Make a scrapbook of home interior ideas
54. Bake a pie from scratch
55. Bake some bread from scratch
56. Bake at least 3 different kinds of cupcakes from scratch (0/3)
57. Make a delicious molten lava chocolate cake
58. Make crepes at home
59. Cook and host a meal at home
60. Make 3 new kinds of muffins (1/3)
61. Try 30 new recipes (3/30)- Pasta with Bolognese and Broccoli Rabe, Butternut Squash Lasagna, High protein butternut squash dip
62. Get new bedding for our master bedroom
63. Take a cake decorating class
64. Have fresh flowers at home for 4 weeks (3/4)
65. Print pictures to display in frames around the house
66. Create wedding album
67. Create parent albums for mom and dad and in-laws
68. Make a cute fabric covered box for my buttons
69. Create wedding and honeymoon scrapbook
70. Play "Brain Age" every day for a month to exercise my brain.
71. Go to a coffee shop and enjoy the afternoon by myself
72. Join a book club
73. Read 25 books including 5 non-fiction and starting with ones I already own but have not yet read. (9/25, 3/5)- Starbucked, Eat Pray Love, The Kite Runner, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Christmas Carol, Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy
74. Watch 5 documentaries on things I don’t know enough about (1/5) - War of the Worlds, 5/25
75. Visit 3 Museums (2/3)- Smithsonian-National Museum of American History, 6/5, Smithsonian National Zoological Park (7/24)
76. Watch all of AFI's top 100 movies (25/100)
77. Find a church that J and I like and join it
78. Use reusable shopping bags when grocery shopping 20 times (17/20)
79. Recycle all of my old magazines (tons from the wedding!)
80. Get rid of old cleansers and replace with safe/natural home products- Basic H and Basic G
81. Clean up/organize makeup and get rid of old stuff
82. Sell unwanted wedding stuff- donated the rest
83. Organize jewelry and get rid of old/broken pieces
84. Clean the kitchen every night for 2 weeks (14/14)
85. Draft a living will
86. Renew my passport w/ my married name
87. Sign up for a book swap and get rid of unwanted books - ended up selling them!
88. Purge and donate old clothes from closets
89. Buy a Christmas gift for a needy child
90. Pay for the person behind me in a drive through- Starbucks on 12/19!
91. Donate household items we no longer need before move
92. Increase my 401(k) contribution
93. Pay off all credit card debt
94. Only buy Starbucks one morning per week for four weeks
95. Put $5 in savings for each completed task and $5 for every uncompleted one (0/101)
96. Create and implement a financial plan with the hubby
97. Put away $50/month into Savings 12 times (12/12)
98. Put away $50/month into an IRA 12 times (0/12)
99. Become a mommy (Baby on the way in August, 2011!)
100. Host a girl’s weekend with my mom and sister
101. Take a family vacation with all of my siblings, parents, niece and nephew
Inaugural Post!
Why, hello there. Welcome to A Little Laudacious, and my very first blog post ever. What is Laudacious you ask? I find it to be a place to store ideas, wish list items, personal and professional goals, and daily (or weekly) rantings about whatever! I am newly married and got into the "blog scene" last year during my planning process. I now obsess over my google reader and am an avid follower of many-a-blog. I felt guilty that I kept leaving comments on my favorite blogs without offering an outlet for others to find out about me. So, here it is guys. Keep your expectations low for I know little about blogging, and this will be a learning experience for me!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by!
The Fine Print
I am all about giving credit where credit is due. I am relatively new to this blogging thing and am taking care to give credit for any photos or ideas featured here. If a photo is yours and you'd rather I'd not use it, just let me know and I'll gladly remove it. Likewise, I'd appreciate you giving credit to me if you'd like to use one of my originals.
Laudacious reserves the right to delete any comment that is profane, rude, just plain snarky, or considered spam. 'Cause I like happy people.
Laudacious reserves the right to delete any comment that is profane, rude, just plain snarky, or considered spam. 'Cause I like happy people.
Aisles by Amy
Aisles by Amy is now taking orders for customized hand-painted aisle runners and banners. Some samples of the aisle runner and banner that I created for my own wedding are pictured here. Click on the "Aisles by Amy" tab for more information on placing an order.
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